Falcons Achievements


2018-2019 Distinguished Player Award

Awarded to Jennifer Gardiner


Congratulations to all of the Winners and Nominations for the 2016-2017 season.  

Coach of the Year 2016-2017

Awarded to Kristen Edlund Head Coach Tyke Division

"I believe she is a huge asset to SFHA.  She is the torch bearer who became the first contact for many girls and families into hockey. She is kind, generous in giving of her time to support these children, knowledgable, approachable, and maintained positive relationships with parents and players.

She built teamwork amongst children who have never been a part of a team.  She also developed the Tyke girls (of some who could barely skate), to become successful hockey players and a successful team.  She has had such an amazing influence on my daughter this year. She has helped her to grow both as a player and in her overall level of confidence.”

Nominations for Coach of the Year

Boyd Stoppler Midget A Head Coach-

“Coach Boyd taught me (and the team) how to play hockey like a true falcon. Honest, kind, generous, forgiving, communicative, outgoing and most importantly to just have fun. He taught us what the true meaning of "team" was.

As a coach, he was the fairest of them all. He was such a generous coach that put the teams' needs before his own. He had so much respect and love for the game, you didn't have to know him to know that. Boyd Stoppler committed so much time to helping us improve as players and people on and off the ice.

Overall, Coach Boyd is such an inspirational leader and I am honoured to have been coached by him. I consider myself one of the luckiest girls in the world to have been coached by such an amazing person. I improved so much this season under his coaching I can't believe it.“
Kelly Leroux Peewee C2 Head Coach

“This is the first year we had the opportunity to work with him and he was absolutely amazing.  My daughter was one of newest players on the team and at a lower level compared to the other players, but Kelly never made her feel she was any different from the other players.  He was supportive, encouraging and brought her up when she was down.  Even if we would say that she wasn't as strong as the other girls, he would always correct us and tell us that she's playing just as well as anyone else, especially for being young and new on the team.  He would always highlight her qualities.   He made my daughter feel so proud of herself.  He would point out things she did so well on the team and that would make her day.  At times when she felt she made a mistake, he would make her feel better.  He made sure she wasn't feeling down.  He didn't only do this with our daughter, he did it with whole team.  He never got upset, never felt let down.   He always kept encouraging them and to try their best.  He never pressurized them.  My daughter has learned so much this year. At the end of season she was so sad that the year was ending.  She wanted the year to start again, she was so sad that she wouldn't be coached by Kelly next year.  We were so lucky to have had this opportunity.  He honestly has touched our and our daughter's heart.  There are not many people out there that devote so much time and love to the girls they coach, but Kelly does.  He cares so much about the girls on his team. He makes sure they are all getting treated fairly and that each one is enjoying the sport!! He honestly is truly an amazing coach and deserves this recognition.”

President's Merritt Award 2016-2017

Awarded to David Barry

David has been an exceptional contributor to the Surrey Falcons organization and the broader development of PCAHA Female hockey for at least the last 5 years.

David taught a program based on maximum effort and positional fundamentals.  His consistent message of hard work, fair play and doing the smart thing with puck was consistently well received and was a tremendous asset on several teams that struggled with offensive prowess.  In fact, at the end of this past year, the first which did not see David managing the defensive door for a Falcon team in the last 5, several of the defensive players who have previously been in his charge were heard lamenting his absence.  However, while he was not behind the bench this past year he was an active participant in the leadership of the Midget C2 team as a team manager, helping to deliver a season that exceeded the expectations of the girls, particularly those for whom this was their last minor hockey season.

For the last two years David has expanded his volunteer service to help grow PCAHA hockey across the lower mainland.  Since the 2015-16 season David has been the League Manager at PCAHA for Bantam Female hockey.  For those that have ever undertaken that role, you will know that it is a nearly daily additional job as he was responsible for chasing teams to enter game sheets into Teamlink, approve AP players, assist with tournament permissions and suspension issues.  This year he was also forced to deal with weather related cancellations, often in real time and with short notice.  In the 2016-17 season he also took on the role of Female Tournament Coordinator for PCAHA, a position that was at risk of going unfilled and would have negatively impacted the experience of female players across PCAHA including our own Falcons players.

Nominations for the President's Merritt Award
Paul Smith

“Paul has served as the President and Vice President of the association for the last four years and this type of volunteer commitment goes without saying. The real recognition here is what he was able to accomplish in these leadership roles. Paul was a huge advocate for introducing outside development for all ages of the association… There were so many things he had his hands on and so many things he took responsibility for that nobody even knows about. Over the years of involvement there are many similar contacts we have met throughout several associations that are not enjoying any successes even close to what we are here at Surrey female from their associations’ main fundraising tournament… As far as a role model for a young athlete, it really doesn’t get any better than Paul. A well educated lawyer that has a junior hockey background and has selflessly dedicated a huge part of his life over the last six years to the development of female hockey in Surrey… There are so many stories and examples that we could continue to share about Paul but you as an executive are already familiar with the dedication and passion that he has been able to donate to us for so long.”

Gary Humphreys

"I would like to nominate Gary for the Presidents Merit Award. He's managed teams for 9 years and as a coach during that same time he's made my life very easy and the experience for the players and parents very enjoyable. At the same time other teams interactions with us are very good thanks to Gary. He's also served on the executive"


Kelly Leroux

“Kelly puts in timeless hours coaching and promoting Surrey Falcons female hockey.  He is an excellent coach who develops all the kids, and ensures that they all receive equal ice time.

This past year, Kelly had a Surrey Falcons trophy case designed and built that was later placed in the Surrey Sports & Leisure Complex.  This trophy case not only promotes Falcons female hockey to our community, but will also leave a lasting legacy for the association thanks to Kelly's generosity.

There are many great volunteers in the Falcons organization, but Kelly Leroux is most deserving of the honour of receiving this year's President's Merit Award”


Volunteer of the Year 2016-2017

Awarded to Kim Leroux & Paul Smith

Kim Leroux 

“ for the past two years she coordinated all the volunteers for the SuperHearts Tournament and this year she assisted in the transition to a new committee. Even though she was not on the planning committee she spent the first day of the tournament at Newton to ensure everything ran smoothly.  By doing this she missed both daughters’ first games.

She also helps during her daughters' games with scorekeeping, running the clock and being a team mom.  Kim has also been seen helping with player evaluations at the beginning of the season.

With her husband being a coach and part of the executive she could stand back but she doesn't and I think that her dedication to the the association should be recognized.”


Paul Smith

“Paul has given more than 5 years to Surrey Female Hockey Association.  Most of the work he did was behind the scenes, countless hours not only as a coach but serving on the executive as vice-president and president. His vision for increasing ice, providing development for all players, and generating more revenue from our SuperHeart fundraiser is what we remember most."